
Color BlueViolet To HEX

The Hex color value of Color BlueViolet is: #8A2BE2.

Color BlueViolet To RGB

The RGB value of Color BlueViolet is (138,43,226): the red value is 138, the green value is 43 and the blue value of its RGB is 226.

Color BlueViolet To HSL

The HSL cylindrical-coordinate representations of #Color BlueViolet are - hue: 0.75, saturation: 0.75 and the lightness value: 0.52.

Color BlueViolet To CMYK

The CMYK colors (also known as process color, or four color) of Color BlueViolet are - cyan: 0.38938053097345, magenta: 0.80973451327434, yellow: 0 and key(black): 0.113.

Color BlueViolet To Lab

The Lab color space representations of Color BlueViolet are - Lightness (L): 42.19, a: 69.86, b: -74.77.


Color spaces of BlueViolet

RGB 13843226
CMYK 0.389380530973450.809734513274340   0.113

Base Numbers

Binary 10001010 101011 11100010
Octal 212 53 342
Decimal 138 43 226
Hex 8A 2B E2

BlueViolet Color Preview on Black Background

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BlueViolet Color Preview on White Background

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.